A Retrofit Solution to Prevent Revenue Loss from Non-digital X-ray Payment Cuts

Generic (No Label)

If you’re like many imaging facilities, pressure is mounting to standardize on a fully digital radiography solution.

The good news is that Siemens has a noninvasive retrofit solution to digitize and standardize your detector fleet while protecting your budget and existing investments. It’s the perfect answer for CR replacement or for bridging the gap to your next fleet investment.

Download our Digital Retrofit Detector flier to learn more about Siemens retrofit solution. Simply fill out the form below.


Do you fall into one of these buckets? If so, be sure to download our flier to learn how a retrofit solution can help you meet your goals.

  • You’re being challenged by administration to protect imaging revenue while CMS enforces reimbursement penalties on analog X-rays and computed radiography.
  • Standardization is a priority to ensure that all systems operate on the same platform and deliver a consistent outcome.
  • A budget-neutral transition to digital is a priority, even when you invested in your CR fleet not too long ago.
  • Newly purchased systems must be integrated seamlessly into your existing radiography department.