In part two of our video blog series about low-dose CT lung cancer screening programs, Leslie Ciancibello, RT, R, CT, from the University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center, discusses key factors that impact screening volume and inclusion/exclusion criteria.
Factors that Impact LDCT Lung Cancer Screening Program Volume
When the Seidman Cancer Center evaluated factors that impacted their lung cancer screening volume, they noticed a direct correlation between marketing efforts and the amount of patient scans. By continuing to do local marketing, the Seidman Cancer Center was able to maintain a consistent volume.
However, despite efforts to bring in new patients, the Seidman Cancer Center’s lung cancer screening program was not performing as well as its calcium score program. Reasons for this cited by Leslie may have included primary care physician reluctance, inclusion criteria and patients’ fear of the word cancer. Learn more in the video below.
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
The Seidman Cancer Center adopted the National Lung Cancer Screening Trial inclusion/exclusion criteria for their lung cancer screening program. Adopting specific inclusion/exclusion criteria, as opposed to including everyone, cuts back on inappropriate screening—which is not cost effective and is potentially harmful to patients. Learn more in the video below.
Read part one of this blog series to learn about the need for LDCT lung cancer screenings and part three to learn about staff, physician and patient education.
Looking for more information about low-dose CT lung cancer screenings? Download our trend report for five tips to create a positive and safe LDCT screening experience for patients. Also, be sure to check out our Siemens CT solutions that can help make your low-dose screening program possible.