Cassling Blog

Stay informed with best practices and resources on the issues that matter most in imaging.

Advanced Imaging Shows Promise for Addressing Radiology Staff Shortages

Hospital staffing shortages are a real problem. In fact, last March the American Hospital Association submitted a letter to the U.S. House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee that deemed them a "national emergency." The impact of these shortages has affected the gamut of healthcare worker roles -- from... Read more

What’s New in CT Systems and Scanner Technology: 2023 Edition

If it’s been a few years since your team has opted for a new Computed Tomography (CT) scanner, you might be surprised by the progress the technology has made. New best practices that seek to enhance the patient experience like never before are being deployed regularly not just in large health systems, but even in smaller... Read more

Cardiac Imaging Systems Review: What's In, What's Out, and MRI's Big Moment

Interventional cardiologists have unique needs. The highly specialized nature of cardiology is such that you need special equipment and software to do your best work and improve clinical workflows, staff experience and, ultimately, patient outcomes. A new era of interventional cardiology is here, and with it comes new... Read more

Top Articles of 2021 Point to Key Trends of 2022

What a year. Despite the ups and downs of the pandemic, healthcare providers continue to navigate an unprecedented situation with bravery, tenacity and compassion that more than meets the challenge. Is it any wonder then that some of our most popular content of 2021 would be focused on innovation and new frontiers of... Read more

Imaging System Virtual Demos Provide Flexibility, Safety in Trying Times

Imagine a scenario where your department’s decade-old MRI scanner is on its last legs. But your team is busier than ever, and the goal of keeping you and your team safe prevents travel to an in-person demo. You need a new scanner, but you also need to ensure its clinical capabilities and operational fit, plus you need to... Read more