Cassling Blog

Stay informed with best practices and resources on the issues that matter most in imaging.

What Single Payer Healthcare Means for Providers

How quickly things change. From one vote away from the so-called “skinny” repeal of the Affordable Care Act to a proposed revolution of the current healthcare system, healthcare providers are getting whiplash right about now. Read more

Editorial: How the Election Impacts Healthcare in 2017 & Beyond

I can't count the number of times I've thought, “How'd we end up with these two?” (OK, four candidates for those of you who prefer the Libertarian and Green Parties.) Yes, Secretary Clinton and Mr. Trump have their good points and their bad points. My goal here is not to dwell on missing emails, vulgar comments, lies and... Read more

Kyle Salem Connects the Dots - Predictions for the Radiology and Imaging Industries

There’s probably nothing I like more than trying to connect the dots in a complex system of things to make predictions about future behavior. I had a chance to do this with health care, in general, in a previous post. Now I’d like to take the idea just a step deeper and look at the first of the two areas closest to our... Read more