Cassling Blog
Stay informed with best practices and resources on the issues that matter most in imaging.
A New Vision of Community Healthcare Brought to Life
If you follow Cassling online or interact with our team regularly, you might have noticed a few changes over the last couple months. As our customers’ needs have grown, so too have the requests for Cassling to evolve, to rise to the occasion and solve imaging’s most pressing challenges. We’ve embraced this call for help... Read moreRSNA 2022 Highlights the Brave New World of Imaging
Every year, the leading minds in imaging gather for the annual Radiological Society of North America meeting in Chicago. It was the event’s second year in person since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and attendee numbers are quickly ticking back up now that more and more people have grown comfortable with travel.... Read moreRedefining CT: Photon-counting technology is revolutionary
NAEOTOM Alpha opens up a new era of medical imaging It’s not every day I post a blog talking about a specific Siemens product. But it’s not every day a new technology like photon-counting computed tomography (CT) comes along. In fact, it’s a disruptive technology that comes along perhaps once in a decade. This is a... Read moreSolutions to Common COVID-Related Imaging Challenges
To say the pandemic altered the imaging landscape would be the understatement of the century. After the initial shock to the collective system, when elective procedures were effectively cancelled and questions about capacity and resource utilization held sway, imaging departments have since adapted to provide outstanding... Read moreLeadership Courses for Healthcare: An Invitation to Invest in Yourself
It’s early days yet for 2020. But already, the year is presenting many vexing questions for healthcare leaders. How should responsible health system leaders respond to the outbreak of COVID-19? Will the Affordable Care Act survive its latest challenge in the Supreme Court? Will recent pushes for transparent healthcare... Read morePat Harvey Celebrates 20-Year Milestone Anniversary
Director of Clinical Operations Pat Harvey joined Cassling two decades ago. Since that time, the capabilities of medical imaging have radically increased. Imaging technology has evolved from film processing to completely digital and the healthcare industry has become increasingly more complex. What hasn’t changed since the... Read more6 Reasons Not to Miss 'Investing in You – Omaha'
Every year, we hold our Investing in You (IIU) educational seminar in Omaha, Nebraska, hosting imaging professionals from across the Midwest. For those unfamiliar, this in-person event is an extension of the Investing in You continuing education program that runs throughout the year. Our monthly and on-demand webinars... Read moreCassling Leadership Institute Launches for Healthcare Execs
Over the past 15 years, Cassling has offered continuing education credits to radiologic technologists, sonographers, managers and others in the imaging field through our Investing In You program. Last year alone, our initiative to make all of our webinars available on-demand meant that thousands of imaging professionals... Read more340B Drug Pricing Program: How Hospitals and Even Radiology Departments Can Benefit
Editor’s note: While the 340B program is facing Federal revisions, particularly related to program oversight and reimbursement level, the program represents one option many rural and non-profit providers utilize to provide safety-net healthcare services in their respective communities. I recently spoke to a hospital CEO in... Read moreby Kyle Salem, Ph.D. in 340B