Coaching has become one of the most critical yet value-adding competencies for a leader in any organization. If you want to improve overall performance as an organization or department, you won't accomplish it by adding new and expensive hardware. You won't achieve it by introducing new technology or processes. It’s a...
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Motivation is inherent in leadership. Whether or not you take the view that leaders can actually motivate someone or that they can only establish the environment for employees to BE motivated, our organizations expect us as leaders to get the most out of our employees. That’s where motivation comes in. Motivation isn’t...
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Our values, ethics and especially our organizational culture fill our sails and propel us forward. I consistently tell my students and organizations this when it comes to leadership. These three things are what fill us up. They literally push us forward like a wind-filled sail. But what does that look like? How do we know...
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Strategy and leadership go hand in hand. One of the things I like about organizational strategy is that it takes creative, innovative and brave leadership to move an organization into the unknown. It’s like sailing into uncharted waters. It’s a place you have to go but it’s a little scary and you’re not quite sure what...
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One of the things I often hear from leaders, regardless of what industry they are in, is that they want to know what to do about difficult employees or situations. Invariably, it has something to do with some kind of conflict they are dealing with. And invariably, I tell them that I don’t have a silver bullet to fix their...
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Whether you’re driving a bus, a plane or a boat, there’s no question that effective leaders have a significant role in getting people and organizations to where they need to go. Being a leader implies that you are able to move the needle and improve outcomes. Sounds pretty easy, doesn’t it? But the truth is, leadership is...
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Emotional intelligence has been touted as the secret ingredient for success in the workplace. Well, it’s time to let the secret out of the bag. We need to have a conversation about emotional intelligence and the role it plays with leadership. I think there’s a lot of misconception about what emotional intelligence is and...
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So you want to talk about performance. That’s not a question. It’s a statement. You want to talk about performance. If you’re a healthcare manager or executive, you need to be giving your employees consistent and constructive feedback about their performance.
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I've worked with a lot of organizations over the years and one thing is consistent no matter the industry or size of company: fear of change. Not many places really excel at promoting change within an organization, whether it's technological, cultural or even clinical changes.
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For many years, Cassling has provided advanced continuing education opportunities for healthcare professionals. It’s easy to see why. Cassling knows the value of a skilled and educated workforce, especially in the field of healthcare. When I first walked into the Cassling offices in Omaha, the first thing I noticed was...
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Are you in a leadership role, or perhaps ready to step into one? Then please enjoy this guest post published with permission from Lauren Schieffer, CSP, a featured speaker at Cassling's Investing In You 2018 seminar. In it, Ms. Schieffer explores what it takes to earn respect from your team.
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