Cassling Blog

Stay informed with best practices and resources on the issues that matter most in imaging.

The Surprising Way AI Is Reshaping Cardiac Ultrasound

Artificial intelligence is evolving healthcare in innumerable ways. Though the public at large currently pictures consumer-focused tools like ChatGPT and the Dall-E image generator when they think of AI, a myriad of AI-based applications are being implemented in the background of healthcare systems around the country,... Read more

How Much Does an MRI Scanner Cost?

Purchasing a new MRI scanner can be a lengthy, daunting process. Making the right decision means considering multiple options, features, and capabilities, then choosing the one system that is just right for your needs. You’ll likely consider a number of MRI vendors, each of whom claim to have the best technology, service... Read more

How a ND Clinic Boosted X-ray Volume and Patient Experience with SHARP FM X-ray

Essentia Health’s main campus in Fargo, North Dakota, is centrally located among a series of small towns whose local care options typically include acute care and emergency departments. Casselton is one such town, located about 20 miles away. The Essentia Health-Casselton Clinic prides itself on its small town roots, with... Read more

How Much Does a CT Scanner Cost?

Your healthcare facility has decided to invest in a new computed tomography (CT) scanner; now you’re in the process of evaluating your options. While considering variables like imaging capabilities, workflow efficiency, and patient experience, you’re also crunching numbers tied to cost. If you’re asking the question ‘how... Read more

A New Vision of Community Healthcare Brought to Life

If you follow Cassling online or interact with our team regularly, you might have noticed a few changes over the last couple months. As our customers’ needs have grown, so too have the requests for Cassling to evolve, to rise to the occasion and solve imaging’s most pressing challenges. We’ve embraced this call for help... Read more

How Imaging Equipment Service Powers Patient Care in Broken Bow

Large enough to serve, small enough to care. That’s the motto of Melham Medical Center in Broken Bow, Nebraska — and one Cassling supports with reliable imaging equipment service. Read more

Cassling Employees Assemble Kits for a Cause

Each year, employees of Cassling raise donations for charities around the country. Non-profit organizations that have benefitted from employees’ generosity over the years include the Food Bank for the Heartland, Ronald McDonald House Charities, Lifescape South Dakota, Unfaulted and more. Read more

5 Helpful Strategies to Cope with and Welcome Change

Change is one of the only constants in our lives, and we can count on it daily. While we might see change as a stressor, can you imagine your life without change? No improved health, no increase in pay, no new home, and no upcoming vacation! Read more

What’s New in Ultrasound Tech – 2023 Edition

While you weren’t looking, a lot has been happening in the field of ultrasound! New technologies, new workflows, new best practices. Over just a few short years, the potential uses of ultrasound have grown exponentially, and that means exciting things for you and your imaging team. Join us as we take a look at the latest... Read more

Healthcare Supply Chains and Imaging System Delivery

Until 2021, U.S. healthcare organizations had little trouble acquiring the medical products needed to care for patients. Most were able to operate on a “just-in-time” methodology, placing and procuring needed products and supplies only when they needed them. This allowed organizations to operate using an agile and lean... Read more

Mike Cassling Celebrates 35 Years of Philanthropy, Employee Support and Business Leadership

This year, Cassling celebrates the 35-year anniversary of the one team member who just so happens to share a name with our company itself. Mike Cassling started on the Cassling sales team, but it wasn’t long before he was making an impact on the entire company, steering the ship through numerous changes and expanding... Read more

Times Change — But Values and Friendly Faces Remain

I was reminiscing with a long-time Nebraska customer recently about when we first met. I was a kid out of college and had just started working at my dad’s new imaging company. She had been a technologist for a year or two but was destined for management early on. I’m going to date myself (and her), but our conversation had... Read more

Cassling Celebrates 35 Years of Imaging Excellence

Thirty-five years. Even as I write those words, it’s hard to believe it’s been that long since Cassling Diagnostic Imaging, or CDI, which later became Cassling, was formed. This July, we celebrate our 35th anniversary as a company, and I’m honored that I get do so surrounded by the many people who make our organization... Read more

Cassling Team Members Use Clinical Backgrounds to Serve Customers

No one understands the complexities of diagnostics, patient care and the clinical environment better than those who have been on the frontlines of healthcare. Read more